I know I'm kind of being bipolar on facebook this morning.. "Ah! I love autumn!..Ahhh eff blogspot, my life!! D:" ...and back to "OMG I love life" But I just wanted to take a moment to say how thankful I am for life. Life isn't perfect, and there will always be little bumps here and there but despite that I'm really loving where I'm at right now. As I stated earlier, I'm super excited for autumn, i don't know why I have such an intense passion for that season, lol, but nonetheless, I'm pretty stoked about it. haha I'm finally at a point in life where my career is getting off the ground and I'm starting to see the fruit of my several years struggle to do a job in the creative field. THAT, to me anyway, is AMAZING. I know I'm not some big hot shot, but just the fact that I can do something that I'm passionate about for hours a day. It just is great. Now that's not to say that I don't work my ass off and work a whole lot to keep this a possibility and keep growing, but I've always tried to be a hard worker and many times it's been working hard at things I don't really care too much about or that I'm not personally going to reap the benefits from. I guess what I'm saying is, if you have a dream, please DO keep chasing it. It's so much more rewarding to work your ass off trying to make something you love work than work your ass off for something that you're neutral about. Another thing I'm thankful for is my family. I'm really thankful to have so many of them in San Antonio, and that I see a good portion of them at least once a week. You guys are great. I'm thankful that we've had a "Family Night" every tuesday for years now and that I get to be a part of your lives. Your consistent company, spirits, and memories are priceless and I want you all to know how much you mean to me.heart emoticonheart emoticonAnother thing I'm thankful for is Manuel!! My awesome husband who is always there for me, who looks out for me, who laughs with me and is just an awesome friend and I'm so thankful to get to do life with such an awesome person! heart emoticonheart emoticonheart emoticon I'm thankful for my pets Benny the cat and Tucker our dog. They're funny and weird. Having pets is a trip. And they're really sweet too, hehe. Ok, this post is getting really long so I'm just gonna end on gardening. I'm really thankful for gardening and how amazing the earth is that it can grow all these amazing things out of a single seed (I'm getting my Master Gardener Cert in February too btw! Super excited about that! If anyone wants to take the class with me!! Let me know!). Oh wait, oh wait..I'm thankful for Yoga, Meditation, and Minimalism because they brought so much inner peace into my life at a time when I was too busy to find any. I'm also thankful for my friends. Though several of you are not in my current city, thank you for the conversations, the messages, the memories. I love you all for being who you are and chasing your dreams all over the globe. heart emoticonheart emoticon Ok ok, that's enough for now, I'll quit being sappy. Anyway, love you guys! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!