Live for today!
8:40 AMI really enjoyed the last lector. So happy to be reading again more rather than spending so much time going out and blowing money on drinks. The healthier habits, the getting up earlier to exercise, reading instead of browsing social media (as much As I used to), knowing the difference between your friends and your acquaintances, taking time for said friends, family, and yourself... The little choices really do make the big difference. In life, you are always in a state of either attracting or repelling something. Thats just the way it is. Like usually attracts like, and many of us want to be liked by everyone, but that's just not possible. To really be you, you will attract similar people to yourself, and at the same time, repel others because they don't agree with your habits or taste. If you choose to conform to your current group so that you can get approval from them, you may get temporary approval but you will feel out of place in your soul and you won't be able to love yourself cuz you aren't being honest. If you decide to be honest with yourself and do you, you will repel certain people (maybe your current people) because your habits, goals, and dreams no longer align and "like attracts like" remember? There may be an empty space during that transition where you have to leap out in faith to follow your dream, but your have to do it. You'll find your tribe on the other side of that dark unknown. You'll find those filled with courage who made the leap, who stuck it out, and who are there to cheer you on! The kind of people we all need. If you're leaping out in faith, take courage! If you're working towards a goal, hold fast! We are all here to make our unique mark and it can be scary to realize and chase, but you've gotta do it! And you'll be great! So keep it up!
It's 10:38am, hope everyone has a great day!