There are small business owners everywhere! I used to think owning a business was just a pipe dream, but there are SO many people making it a reality! It's encouraging.
It's funny, you get so used to hearing all the bad statistics about how many people go out of business, how owning a business isn't "secure", but nothing is really that secure, so you might as well give a shot to doing what you want/love. And the longer you do it, you just start to get a hang of it.
I'm not saying it's easy, I mean, I work a lot, but it's almost more of an obsession. I truly believe in my product, and I enjoy the process of making it and getting to meet with my clients and have a good time, so it often doesn't feel like work. And the love for the craft carries me through on the hard days and days when I mess things up and when I have to make personal sacrifices for the business. Haha, I don't know why I have the song "Work" by Iggy Azalea stuck in my head now. I'm addicted to that hustle, I guess, lol. Iggy, I get you.
Anyway, I still have much to learn about business, and that's one thing I love about it, but just doing it is teaching me so much everyday.
Ok, that's my little cheesy gratitude post for the day. Once you start down your path, you start to run into those kindred spirits and opportunities along the way. But you gotta start it or you'll never know the adventure that awaits!
If you're thinking about a dream or idea, I hope you share it with the world soon! We need your ideas!
Alright, that's all for now!
Goodnight guys,
Peace and love ✌🏻️.
- 9:26 PM