Every past has things to teach us, and truths we can use today.

8:54 AM


I've worked hard to move beyond my past, and while it doesn't have the same power over me that it used to, I'll never forget it. I've fought through some pretty rough times, but I have made it out to the other side, and honestly, I'm not sure that I would trade those challenging times because they made me strong, they trained me to rise up against adversity and keep fighting for what I want. I've fought and have been knocked down, and fought and been knocked down, but I keep on getting back up. For a long time, I felt shame about parts of my story. I didn't want to come off as "damaged goods", but I'm starting to realize the value that those dark times have brought to my life, and the broader perspective they've given me. We are not our pasts, we are the choices we make today. But every past does have things to teach us, and truths we can use today.

- Amanda

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